{{ phone }} {{ email }}
{{ item.phone }} {{ item.email }}

Tellimuste eest saab turvaliselt tasuda Eesti pangalinkide abil (Swedbank, SEB, LHV, Danske, Krediidipank, Nordea ja Coop) ja ka krediitkaardiga (Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Pocopay).

Makse tegemine toimub väljaspool e-poe ({{item.url}}) keskkonda Maksekeskus AS vahendusel. Selleks edastab Adell Taevas OÜ maksete teostamiseks vajalikud isikuandmed Maksekeskus AS-le. E-poel puudub ligipääs kliendi panga- ja krediitkaardiandmetele.

Pärast toote eest tasumist vajutage palun pangas kindlasti nupule "Tagasi kaupmehe juurde".

Veebipoe {{item.url}} (edaspidi Veebipood) omanik on OÜ Adell Taevas (registrikood10060552), asukohaga {{address}}.

Müügilepingu kehtivus, kauba- ja hinnainfo

Müügitingimused kehtivad Veebipoest kaupade ostmisel. Veebipoes müüdavate toodete hinnad on märgitud toodete juurde, veebipoe valuutaks on €. Hinnale lisandub tasu kauba kättetoimetamise eest. Kauba kättetoimetamise tasu sõltub ostja asukohast ning kättetoimetamise viisist. Kättetoimetamise tasu kuvatakse ostjale tellimuse vormistamisel. Teave kauba kohta on esitatud Veebipoes vahetult kauba juures.

Tellimuse vormistamine

Kauba tellimiseks tuleb lisada soovitud tooted ostukorvi. Tellimuse vormistamiseks tuleb täita nõutud andmeväljad ning valida sobiv toodete kohaletoimetamise viis. Seejärel kuvatakse ekraanile tasu suurus, mille saab tasuda pangalingi kaudu või muu makselahenduse abil. Leping jõustub alates tasumisele kuuluva summa laekumisest Veebipoe arvelduskontole. Kui tellitud kaupa ei ole võimalik tarnida seoses kauba lõppemisega või muul põhjusel, teavitatakse sellest ostjat esimesel võimalusel ning tagastatakse tasutud raha (sh kauba kättetoimetamise kulud) viivitamata, kuid mitte hiljem kui 14 päeva jooksul teate saatmisest.


Kaupu tarnitakse Euroopa Liidu liikmesriikidesse. Kauba saatmiskulud kannab ostja ning vastav hinnainfo on kuvatud saatmisviisi juures. Eestisisesed saadetised jõuavad üldjuhul ostja määratud sihtpunkti 1-7 tööpäeva jooksul alates müügilepingu jõustumist. Väljaspool Eestis toimub kohaletoimetamine 14 kalendripäeva jooksul. Erandlikel juhtumitel on õigus kaup kohale toimetada kuni 45 kalendripäeva jooksul.


Pärast tellimuse kättesaamist on ostjal õigus e-poes sõlmitud lepingust taganeda 14 päeva jooksul. Taganemisõigus ei kohaldu, kui ostjaks on juriidiline isik. 14-päevase tagastamisõiguse kasutamiseks ei tohi tellitud kaupa kasutada muul viisil kui on vajalik kauba olemuses, omadustes ja toimimises veendumiseks viisil nagu see on lubatud kauba testimiseks füüsilises poes. Kui kaupa on kasutatud muuks otstarbeks kui on vajalik kauba olemuses, omadustes ja toimimises veendumiseks või sellel on kasutamise või kulumise märke, on Veebipoel õigus alandada tagastatavat tasu vastavalt kauba väärtuse vähenemisele. Kauba tagastamiseks tuleb esitada kauba ostmisest taganemise avaldus, mille vormi leiab siit: taganemisavaldus ning saata see e-posti aadressile {{ email }} hiljemalt 14 päeva jooksul kauba kättesaamisest. Kauba tagastamise kulud kannab ostja, välja arvatud juhul, kui tagastamise põhjus seisneb asjaolus, et tagastamisele kuuluv asi ei vasta tellitule (nt vale või defektiga asi). Ostja peab kauba tagastama avalduse esitamisele järgneva 14 päeva jooksul või esitama tõendi, et ta on eelnimetatud perioodi jooksul kauba üle andnud kauba vedajale. Veebipood tagastab tagastatava kauba kättesaamisel ostjale viivitamata, kuid mitte hiljem kui 14 päeva möödumisel arvates taganemisavalduse saamisest, kõik ostjalt lepingu alusel saadud tasud. Veebipood võib keelduda tagasimaksete tegemisest seni, kuni on lepingu esemeks oleva asja tagasi saanud või kuni ostja on esitanud tõendid, et on asja tagasi saatnud, sõltuvalt sellest, kumb toimub varem. Kui ostja on sõnaselgelt valinud Veebipoe pakutud kõige odavamast tavapärasest asja kättetoimetamise viisist erineva kättetoimetamise viisi, ei pea Veebipood tarbijale tagastama kulu, mis ületab tavapärase kättetoimetamise viisiga seotud kulu. Veebipoel on õigus taganeda müügitehingust ning nõuda ostjalt tagasi kaup, kui kauba hind veebipoes on eksituse tõttu märgitud oluliselt alla kauba turuhinna.

Pretensiooni esitamise õigus

Veebipood vastutab ostjale müüdud kauba lepingutingimustele mittevastavuse või puuduse eest, mis oli olemas juba asja üleandmise hetkel ning mis ilmneb kuni kahe aasta jooksul, alates kauba üleandmisest ostjale. Sellest esimese kuue kuu jooksul asja üleandmisest ostjale eeldatakse, et puudus oli olemas juba asja üleandmise ajal. Vastava eelduse ümberlükkamine on Veebipoe kohustus. Ostjal on õigus puuduse ilmnemisel pöörduda hiljemalt kahe kuu jooksul veebipoe poole, saates e-kirja aadressile {{ email }} või helistada telefonil: {{ phone }}. Veebipood ei vastuta puuduste eest, mis on tekkinud pärast kauba üleandmist ostjale. Kui Veebipoest ostetud kaubal on puudused, mille eest Veebipood vastutab, parandab või asendab Veebipood puudusega kauba. Kui kaupa ei ole võimalik parandada ega asendada, tagastab Veebipood ostjale kõik müügilepinguga kaasnenud tasud. Veebipood vastab tarbija esitatud kaebusele kirjalikult või kirjalikku taasesitamist võimaldavas vormis 15 päeva jooksul.

Vaidluste lahendamine

Kui ostjal on Veebipoe osas pretensioone, tuleb need saata e-kirja aadressile {{ email }} või helistada telefonil: {{ phone }} Kui ostja ja Veebipood ei suuda lahenda vaidlust kokkuleppe teel, siis on ostjal võimalik pöörduda Tarbijavaidluste komisjoni poole. Menetlustingimustega saab tutvuda ning avaldust esitada siin. Tarbijavaidluste komisjoni pädevuses on lahendada ostja ja Veebipoe vahel sõlmitud lepingust tulenevaid vaidlusi. Ostja kaebuse läbivaatamine komisjonis on tasuta. Ostja võib pöörduda Euroopa Liidu tarbijavaidlusi lahendava platvormi poole.

{{item.url}} veebilehed kasutavad küpsiseid (tuntud ka kui HTTP-küpsis, inglise keeles cookie, HTTP cookie).

Küpsis on väike tekstikujuline andmeplokk teie veebilehitsejas, mille veebileht saadab teie arvutis olevasse küpsiste faili. Küpsiseid on kahte tüüpi:

  • Püsivaid küpsiseid, mis jäävad teie arvutis olevasse küpsiste faili püsivalt. Neid võidakse kasutada näiteks teie kui veebilehe korduvkülastaja äratundmiseks ja veebilehe sisu kohandamiseks vastavalt teie vajadustele või statistiliste andmete kogumiseks.
  • Seansiküpsised on ajutised ja kaovad, kui veebilehelt lahkute või oma veebilehitseja sulgete. Seansiküpsiseid võidakse kasutada veebilehe teatud funktsioonide, sisse logimiseks ja ostukorvi jaoks.

Küpsiseid kasutatakse meie veebilehtedel, et pakkuda paremat kasutajakogemust. Küpsised võimaldavad meie veebiserveritel teid ära tunda ja kohandada selle sisu automaatselt nii, et see sobiks teie vajadustega, kui te lehte külastate.  Küpsiste kasutamine teeb meie kasutajate vajaduste äratundmise lihtsamaks. Need annavad meile kasutajastatistikat, mis võimaldab meil mõõta ja parandada meie veebilehe toimivust. Meie küpsised võivad olla loodud erinevate teenusepakkujate poolt, kes aitavad meil oma veebiteenuseid edendada. Sellised pakkujad on näiteks Google, Facebook ja Instagram.

Meie veebilehtede kasutajad loetakse küpsistega nõustunuks, kui nende veebilehitseja seadistustes on küpsised lubatud. Kui te küpsistega ei nõustu, võivad mitmed meie veebilehe teenused ja funktsioonid olla piiratud. Te saate alati ise otsustada, kas küpsised oma veebilehitsejas lubada või mitte. Kui te küpsiseid ei soovi, võite seadistada oma veebilehitseja nii, et see keelab automaatselt küpsised ära või teatab teile iga kord, kui veebileht palub luba küpsise lisamiseks. Vajalike seadistuste tegemiseks palun vaadake oma veebilehitseja abi funktsiooni. Käesolevaid tingimusi võidakse aeg-ajalt muuta ilma sellest ette teatamata, et kindlustada meie vastavus seadustele ja/või küpsiseid puudutavatele üldiselt tunnustatud tavadele.

{{item.url}} accepts the credit card or Paypal payments:
Credit Card: Visa, MasterCard.
The total will be charged to your card when the order is shipped.
PayPal: Shop easily online without having to enter your credit card details on the website.
Your account will be charged once the order is completed. To register for a PayPal account, visit the website paypal.com .

Validity of the terms for use

  1. The owner of the online environment {{item.url}} (hereinafter the Online store) is Adell Taevas OÜ, registry code10060552, located at Metalli 3, Tallinn, 10615, Estonia.
  2. The terms for use apply for making purchases in the Online store.
  3. The Online store reserves the right to amend the terms for use. The mentioned amendments are specified on the website {{item.url}}. The terms valid during the performance of transactions apply for the specific transaction.
  4. The purchaser (hereinafter the Purchaser) can save, print, and if necessary, reproduce the terms for use before making a purchase.
  5. The sales contract shall be considered concluded between the Purchaser and the company selling the specific goods (hereinafter the Seller).

Price and product information

  1. All the prices specified in the Online store are presented in € and include VAT pursuant to the rate provided for by law.
  2. If the goods can be picked up in a store and the Purchaser chooses this option for receiving the goods, no delivery fee will be added to the price of the goods.
  3. In the case of any special offers, the discount of the goods will be calculated after the information providing the discount is entered in the cart.
  4. The range, prices, and discounts of goods may differ from the range, prices, and discounts of goods in physical stores.

Submission of an order

  1. The Purchaser selects the goods in the Online store and adds them to the cart.
  2. It is possible to change quantities in the cart and remove goods from the cart until the payment for the goods.
  3. To submit an order, the Purchaser shall fill in the requested fields, select the method of delivery and the payment environment, and click “Secure payment”.
  4. An order will be considered finally submitted after “Secure payment” is clicked.
  5. The Online store will send a confirmation of the order to the e-mail address of the Purchaser. Upon the delivery of the goods, the Seller will add an invoice to the parcel.
  6. If the goods selected by the Purchaser cannot be delivered due to the lack of the goods in stock or for any other reason, the Purchaser will be notified thereof as soon as possible and the Seller is entitled to cancel the order in part or completely. In the case of partial cancellation, the Seller may ask the Purchaser to specify how the remaining order should be handled – to deliver it or to cancel it in full.
  7. The sales contract will take effect from the moment the sum due for payment is received on the settlement account of the Online store.


  1. The Purchaser shall pay the sales price and the delivery fee of the goods in the full extent in advance.
  2. Payment for an order can be made with the payment methods specified in the cart.


  1. To receive the order, the Purchaser shall select the suitable method of delivery in the cart.
  2. The Purchaser shall pay the costs related to the delivery of the goods. The delivery fee of the goods depends on the location of the Purchaser and the method of delivery. The fee is calculated in the cart.
  3. If the goods can be picked up in a store and the Purchaser chooses this option for receiving the goods, no delivery fee will be added to the price of the goods.
  4. An order will be fulfilled pursuant to the term of delivery specified by the goods. The counting of the term will begin from the moment the sales contract takes effect (clause 3.7); this also applies in the case of the delivery option "Order and pick up yourself".

Right of withdrawal

  1. After receiving the order, the Purchaser will be entitled to withdraw from the sales contract concluded in the Online store within 14 days.
  2. The right of withdrawal will not apply if the Purchaser is a legal person.
  3. The right of withdrawal will not apply to a contract, the object of which is:
    • the delivery of something that has been manufactured according to the personal needs of the Purchaser as a party to the contract;
    • the delivery of something that has been manufactured pursuant to the conditions submitted by the Purchaser;
    • the delivery of something with short shelf life;
    • the delivery of something in a sealed package, which is not suitable for return for health protection or hygienic reasons, and if the package has been opened after delivery;
    • the delivery of newspapers, journals, or any other periodicals, except if a long-term contract concluded for subscribing to such periodicals;
    • the delivery of audio and video recordings or computer software in a sealed package, if the Purchaser has opened the sealed package;
    • the delivery of digital content that is not delivered on a physical data medium, if such a delivery has begun after the preliminary explicit consent of the Purchaser, and if the Purchaser confirms that this invalidates their right of withdrawal;
    • the provision of accommodation services, the transport of a movable, the use of a motor vehicle, catering or leisure services, if the Seller undertakes to provide the service by a certain date or within a certain period;
    • travel and luggage insurance or any other similar short-term insurance contracts with the term of less than one month.
  4. To be entitled to use the 14-day right of withdrawal, the goods may not be used in any way other than for checking the nature, properties, and functioning of the goods in the way usually permitted to the Purchaser in a physical store.
  5. If the Purchaser has used the goods for any purpose other than for checking the nature, properties, and functioning of the goods, or there are any signs of use or wear on the goods, the Seller is entitled to decrease the return fee based on the decrease of value of the goods.
  6. To return the goods, an application for withdrawal from the sales contract shall be submitted no later than within 14 days from the receipt of the goods. The standard form of the application for withdrawal is provided on the website {{item.url}} and it shall be sent to the e-mail address {{ item.email }}
  7. The Purchaser shall cover the costs related to the return of the goods, except when the reason of return is the fact that the object subject to return does not comply with the order (e.g. wrong or defective goods). Costs related to the return of the goods depend on the location of the Purchaser and the method of return.
  8. The Online store shall confirm the receipt of the application for withdrawal via an e-mail sent to the Purchaser.
  9. The Purchaser shall return the goods within 14 days following the submission of the application for withdrawal, or submit a proof within the same period that they have delivered the goods to a logistics company.
  10. The Purchaser is entitled to return the goods to a physical store, if the Seller has offered such an option to the Purchaser. In this case, the Purchaser shall have no costs related to the return of the goods.
  11. Upon the receipt of the returned goods by the Seller, the Online store shall return to the Purchaser promptly but not later than within 14 days all fees received from the Purchaser pursuant to the contract, including the delivery fee. All payments shall be made to the bank account of the Purchaser, from which payments were made for the goods.
  12. The Seller is entitled to refuse the sale of goods in a situation where due to a technical error, the price of a product offered in the Online store has been changed to an unreasonably cheap price (pricing error) when compared with the market price of the corresponding product, there is no explicit information indicating that a special price has been fixed for the product, and the goods have not yet been shipped to the Purchaser. The Seller is entitled to withdraw from such a transaction within 3 business days of becoming aware of concluding the falsely priced transaction by submitting a corresponding application to the Purchaser in a format which can be reproduced in writing. In the case of such a withdrawal, the Web Store shall immediately, but no later than on the 14th day, return to the Purchaser all fees received as part of the contract, including delivery fees. All payments shall be made to Purchaser’s account that was used for placing the order.

Submission of claims and responsibility

  1. The Seller is responsible for the non-compliance of the goods sold to the Purchaser with the terms and conditions of the contract or any defect, which existed at the moment of delivery of the object to the Purchaser and is detected within two years after the delivery of the goods to the Purchaser. The Seller is not responsible for any defects arising after delivery.
  2. The Purchaser is entitled to submit a claim to the Seller no later than within two months from the moment of detection of a defect by sending the claim to the e-mail address {{ item.email }} In addition to the name and contact information of the Purchaser, the claim shall include a description of the defect detected in the goods and the content of the submitted claim, as well as a document certifying the purchase.
  3. All claims will be revised and the Purchaser will be notified as soon as possible, but no later than within 14 days from the receipt of the claim.
  4. If the Seller is responsible for the defects detected in the goods, the Seller shall repair or replace the defective goods. If the goods cannot be repaired or replaced, the Seller shall return to the Purchaser all fees received from the Purchaser pursuant to the contract.
  5. The Seller is responsible for the fulfilment of an order, including the delivery of goods and defective goods.

Processing of personal data

Processing of personal data is subject to the privacy policy at {{item.url}}

Solution of disputes

  1. If the Purchaser has any claims against the Seller, please send them to the e-mail address {{ item.email }}
  2. The parties will resolve any disputes arising between the Seller and the Purchaser via negotiations. If no agreement is reached, the Purchaser is entitled to submit the dispute to the Consumer Protection Board (Rahukohtu 2, Tallinn 10130, http://www.tarbijakaitseamet.ee) and the Consumer Disputes Committee (Rahukohtu 2, Tallinn 10130, http://www.komisjon.ee) for an extra-judicial solution of the dispute, or to court. Furthermore, the electronic environment ODR-platform (Online Dispute Resolution) of the European Union is available for all customers at the address http://ec.europa.eu/odrfor the solution of disputes arisen with e-traders.

Terms of privacy

This privacy policy applies to the use of and making purchases in the Online store {{item.url}} (hereinafter Online store) and the processing of data collected by Adell Taevas OÜ. The Online store is managed by Adell Taevas OÜ (registry code 10366297, located at Metalli 3, Tallinn, 10615, Estonia). For the sake of clarity and simplicity, the manager of the Online store in the context of this privacy policy, be referred to as Adell Taevas. Adell Taevas is the data controller responsible for the gathered data. The privacy policy describes how Adell Taevas processes (incl. collects, uses, discloses, stores, transmits, deletes, etc.) personal information. It also provides information about your rights as data subject. Please read the privacy policy carefully before transferring data, using services, or concluding contracts. The privacy policy is inextricably linked to the terms of use of the Online store {{item.url}}. In the case of matters not addressed in the privacy policy, Adell Taevas acts on the basis of applicable legislation.

Types of personal information processed by Adell Taevas

  1. Personal identification information and general information – name, surname, personal identification number, gender, Online shop username;
  2. Contact information – postal address, e-mail address, telephone number;
  3. Consumer behaviour data – preferred parcel machines, preferred payment methods, previously viewed products, data from previous searches, sizes for clothes and footwear, etc.;
  4. Purchase data – receipt numbers, discount codes, account number, completed orders and purchases (including products, sums, store), gift card usage, etc.;
  5. Customer feedback – favourite products, ratings, e-mail statistics, etc.;
  6. Online store digital data – online cookies, login information, etc.

Collecting personal information

  1. Adell Taevas collects personal information if the user engages in the following activities (in the context of this privacy policy, ‘user’ refers to the user of the Online store):
    • registers an Adell Taevas account (hereinafter account);
    • enters the account information;
    • performs searches and selects goods;
    • makes a purchase and places an order;
    • participates in campaigns (e.g., coupon campaigns organised at the Centres);
    • participates in the loyalty programme;
    • transfers information via the Adell Taevas Customer Support.
  2. Adell Taevas collects online cookies for all Web site visitors (including non-registered users).

The purpose of processing personal information

  1. Adell Taevas processes the user’s first name, telephone number, address (if you choose delivery by courier), and e-mail address primarily for the purposes of selling and delivering goods and preparing, concluding, executing of a contract, as well as resolving any contractual disputes.
  2. If the user has transferred personal information to Adell Taevas, the user may also voluntarily give Adell Taevas permission to provide the user with information about their products (including Online store) and services (direct marketing offers). If such permission is given, Adell Taevas will process personal information for submitting offers, including personalised offers. The user can register the corresponding permission during signup or later on their account page (hereinafter via their account). To receive better offers, the user can add info about their gender, preferred location of purchase, favourite products, personal identification code, etc. Granting consent to direct marketing offers is voluntary and the user is entitled to withdraw their consent at any time via their account. This means that processing is terminated after consent is withdrawn.
  3. Adell Taevas may also process personal information in other cases, where consent is given (for example, in the case of a loyalty programme or during participation in campaigns), in which case the purpose of processing shall be specified in the consent acquisition process. Each consent given for processing is voluntary and can be withdrawn at any time. This means that processing is terminated after consent is withdrawn.
  4. Adell Taevas processes personal information to ensure fulfilment of the obligations arising from legislation. These obligations derive mainly from the European Union General Data Protection Regulation, the Personal Data Protection Act, the Law of Obligations Act, and other applicable laws. For example, data on user purchases is processed by Adell Taeavas as part of these legal obligations, which is required for accounting purposes.
  5. Adell Taevas processes personal information if the company has legitimate interest, including for business interests and security (detection and prevention of fraud) reasons. For example, Adell Taevas has a legitimate interest in maintaining user information to protect their rights during the limitation period for claims arising from the contract. Adell Taevas may also process data related to consumer behaviour based on legitimate interest. Adelll Taevas collects data on user preferences for payment methods, parcel machines, and postal addresses, products and offers, searches, participation in campaigns, and other consumer behaviour, to provide the user with the most satisfying shopping experience and personalised service. In each case, Adell Taevas thoroughly assesses whether their interests for processing outweigh the interests and rights of the user. If Adell Taevas finds that processing is justified, they shall take adequate measures to ensure the protection of the user’s rights, including the fairness, impartiality, and accuracy of processing.

The principals of storing personal information

  1. Because of legislation, Adell Taevas has the right and the responsibility to store collected personal data. Adell Taevas shall not store personal information for longer than is necessary for the performance of Adell Taevas’s obligations arising from the legislation or those taken towards the user, or for the submission or defence of legal claims, unless the user has given permission for the extended storage and processing of data.
  2. Data related to the user account and purchases is usually stored by Adell Taevas during the active period of the account and three years after account deletion. If Adell Taevas has a reason to believe that the user has deliberately violated obligations taken towards Adell Taevas, then Adell Taevas is entitled to store user data for 10 years after account deletion. You can submit an application for the deletion of your account via your account.
  3. Adell Taevas will keep your account within 5 years of your last purchase (active account), unless you have directly expressed the wish for deleting the account. If you have not made any purchases within 5 years, Adell Taevas will send you an inquiry to verify the activity of the account. If you do not respond to the inquiry within the time limit specified therein, Adell Taevas shall assume that your account is inactive and may delete your account.
  4. Adell Taevas maintains accounting records, including personal data contained therein, for a seven-year period from the end of the financial year, during which the business transaction was recorded in the accounting register as specified in the source document.
  5. If you would like more information about how your data is being stored, please submit an application via your account.

Transmitting personal information

  1. Adell Taevas transmits personal information to the extent and in the form required to fulfil the objectives specified in the privacy policy. Adell Taevas may transfer personal information to the persons with whom you have entered into a sales contract when purchasing goods, in which case the processing of data may also be subject to the privacy policy of the corresponding vendor. Adell Taevas may transmit personal information to authorised processors who require access to the information to provide service to Adell Taevas. Data disclosure takes place so that Adell Taevas can execute user contracts (fulfil orders).
  2. In general, Adell Taevas guarantees that the processing and storage of information takes place on the territory of the European Union, except for the user’s e-mail address, which the user has allowed to be used for making direct marketing offers. Adell Taevas may also use the services of data processors whose servers are located outside the European Union. Adell Taevas will ensure the complete security of your personal data, based on, among other things, the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, or through the use of other data protection measures required by law.
  3. Adell Taevas will also disclose personal information if Adell Taevas has a legal obligation to do so. Such an obligation for data disclosure may arise, for example, at the legitimate request of the authorities.

Rights of the user with regard to the processing of their personal data

  1. Adell Taevas processes personal information in a manner consistent with the user’s rights and freedoms and in accordance with applicable law.
  2. The user is entitled to receive information about the types and sources of personal information collected, as well as the purposes for which they are being used. The user can view the collected data in the Online store on their account page. The user is entitled to receive copies and extracts of the personal data processed by Adell Taevas. The user has the right to demand the transfer of personal data, including the transfer of personal data to another data controller. The required data is transmitted by e-mail in a machine-readable format.
  3. If the data is incorrect or inaccurate, the user has the right to request to have their data updated or corrected.
    • the personal data is no longer needed for the purpose for which Adell Taevas processed them;
    • the user withdraws their consent for processing and no other legal basis for the processing of their personal data exists;
    • the user objects to the processing of personal data and no legitimate overriding reasons for continued processing exist;
    • personal data has been processed illegally;
    • personal data must be erased to comply with a legal obligation.
    • Please send all questions and requests regarding the processing of your personal information via your account. If you do not have a personal Online store account or you are unable to use it for some reason (for example, you are unable to log in), then you can contact Adell Taevas by e-mail: {{ item.email }}. Adell Taevas will respond to questions and requests within one month of notification of the question or request. Disputes shall be resolved through negotiation.
    • If the user is of the opinion that Adell Taevas has violated the user’s rights and it has not been possible to resolve the dispute by negotiation, the user has the right to contact the Data Protection Inspectorate or a competent court.

Adell Taevas reserves the right to make changes to the privacy policy. The policy is updated primarily (but not exclusively) to comply with data protection legislation. The updates will be published in the Online store. Transactions shall be subject to the conditions applicable at the time of the transaction.